Diary Alert! The date for the Hyperion SIG has changed from 26 February to 17 March 2014

Please be aware that the date for the Hyperion SIG has changed from 26th February to Monday 17th March. If you are still able to attend this event, NO ACTION is required. If you can no longer attend, please email Aimee at aimee@ukoug.org with your cancellation or replacement. For further details and to register please [...]

Diary Alert! The date for the Hyperion SIG has changed from 26 February to 17 March 20142014-04-04T15:10:37+00:00

AMOSCA’s Report Authority solution produces valid XBRL filings for COREP and FINREP

AMOSCA has been invited by a number of European National Supervisory Authorities to provide test CRD IV submissions using its Report Authority solution (www.reportauthority.com) in advance of the public testing facilities being made available. We are pleased to report that to date filings submitted using Report Authority have passed all known validation criteria. COREP and [...]

AMOSCA’s Report Authority solution produces valid XBRL filings for COREP and FINREP2014-04-04T15:11:00+00:00
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